医院网站建设企业_手机网站设计思路_app下载应用_软件测试的app项目实例 Design and implementation of campus competition information website based on PHP


In the information age in the 21st century, almost any industry is inseparable from computers. It is also very common to apply computers to the management of student competitions in schools. In the past, the manual management method was used to manage the campus competition information, which caused the problems of cumbersome management and difficult maintenance. Now, the use of computer to manage the basic information of campus competition is not only convenient and simple compared with manual management, but also has many advantages, such as easy management, fast search speed, large storage capacity and so on. Using it in campus competition management can not only improve the work efficiency of staff in campus competition, but also make the school competition information more scientific and standardized. Under the continuous impact of the information age, the combination of campus competition information and computer technology will be a shortcut to improve the level of school competition.

After my comprehensive consideration, the design of campus competition information website adopts the object-oriented development mode for software development and hardware erection, which can well meet the needs of actual use and improve the corresponding software erection and program coding. The system adopts PHP and MYSQL to realize all the functions of the system. This report first analyzes the background, function and significance of the research, which lays a foundation for the rationality of the research work. This paper analyzes the various needs and technical problems of the campus competition information website, proves the necessity and technical feasibility of the system, and then makes a basic introduction to the technical software and design ideas needed to design the system. Finally, it realizes the deployment and operation of the campus competition information website.

Key words: PHPMysql database; Campus competition







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