




With the development of society, all walks of life are making use of the advantages of the information age. The advantages and popularity of computers make the development of various information systems necessary.
The main modules of the website include administrator; home page, personal center, user management, commodity classification management, commodity information management, message board management, growth communication, system management, order management, message management, user; home page, personal center, my collection management, order management, front page; home page, commodity information, forum information, news information , message feedback, my, jump to the background, shopping cart and other functions. The administrator in the system is mainly for the safe and effective storage and management of all kinds of information, can also manage and update the system maintenance and other operations, and has the corresponding operation authority on the background.
In order to realize the functions of the website, the backstage database is needed. The administrator verifies the registration information, collects the user information, and obtains the association information and so on massive data by the database management. In this paper, the database server uses MySQL as the background database, so that the web and database are closely linked. In the design process, it fully ensures the good readability, practicability, expansibility, universality, easy to maintain, easy to operate and concise page of the system code.
The development of this system makes it more convenient to obtain the website information of maternal and infant products, and also makes the website information of maternal and infant products more systematic and orderly. The system interface is friendly and easy to operate.

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